Monday, June 1, 2009

Tonight I going to attempt to explain my love hate relationship with my cell phone.
I love the fact that my phone gives me comfort. The fact that I know if I have an emergency I can get ahold of help if I need it!
I hate the fact that my kids can call me twenty times in the half hour I am gone to the store.
I love the fact my kids can call IF it is an EMERGENCY. 
I love the fact that I can call my husband and talk to him while I am out. 
I hate the fact my husband can call me several times while I am out and ask when I will be home!
I hate how I forget my phone at home then need it while I am waiting at the school.
I love when I forget the phone when I am out and steven and the kids cant call and ask " When will you be HOME".
The number ONE reason I hate my phone is the DANG thing keeps breaking. Every phone I get breaks! Now it could be the fact that I never have a new one. It is always someone's used phone cause they just got a  new one. So yes I have gone through alot of hand me down phones. Now I just ordered a new one today SO we will see how long this one last's. It is LIME GREEN :)
So this is a little insight into my love hate relation ship with my cell phone.


  1. Nice choice of color. I love and hate my phone too. I hate to be at everyone's beck and call wherever, but at the same time-it's nice to have around if I get board or need something. I feel for you. The one I currently have is the first phone I've ever been able to pick, and it's silvery pink. I find that I like it much more than previous phones. Good luck with yours.

  2. You are very insight full. there are many things to have a love/ hat relation ship with.
    those phones seem almost human sometimes. I thnk they do things just to piss ya off sometimes.
