Monday, July 27, 2009

So for all of you who read my blog regularly you will have noticed that I have not updated my blog in a few days. We have been on a family camp trip with all my siblings and my parents. It was a ton of fun. Above is a photo we took the last day. So yes we are all a little dirty. Also if you click on it and enlarge the photo you will notice the antlers rachel gave slade she thought she was super funny!
These photo's are kinda backward. This is ty as we were leaving camp. I told him to smile and this is what I got.
This was one night we put the kids to bed and when me and steven went in to bed hunter had rolled over on ty and was sleeping soundly.
This was so fun my dad was helping slade and ty roast marshmallow's.

Ty loved fishing and him and steven were the only ones in our family to catch a fish.
The other three spent the afternoon at the lake in the water swimming. They had a ball.
So the next two photos are out of order. My dad brought up bow's for the boys to shoot but as my brother and Steven stood and was helping them they could not resist taking over and shooting them themselves.
The boys had so much fun shooting at targets.

This is the fish ty caught he was pretty proud of it!

Last but not least our little family the last day of the trip. The whole weekend was filled with fun. We all put kids to bed and would sit and talk till late into the night. A good game of "The Newlywed" game was played. Lets just say this we all laughed and had a great time. I love times like this when you are with the ones you love doing what you love. It was nice to get away and relax.


  1. I have to say in the fam pic holly looks the happiest and ty looks like he wants nothing to do with it. love the sleeping pic. Hunter looks like troy from that angle. Great pics though.

  2. that is a fun game eventhought me & adam got the lowest score & consider that we are the one who's newly wed in the family.I had a great time.

    Alisha-I noticed that too about holly looks the happiest!!lol

  3. sounds like tons of fun! We really want to get away and go camping but finding a weekend is tough. Stupid busy. It's great to have you back-now you get to do the things you blissfully forgot about while you were gone! BTW the apricot jam turned out great! The box made about 40 cups, with the pineapple. I used 4 sm lemon and 2 orange. Thank you much, it's delicious.
