Monday, September 7, 2009

Home! We have just spent 3 full days at my parent's and it was much needed. Thursday night we headed for my parents home. We spent the whole weekend visiting, laughing and having a good time. SO let me explain my photo's first is of the rooster that attacked Slade. Now my mom has been complaining about this rooster for some time now. This is one MEAN rooster in fact it was so mean to the other chickens my dad took it out and instead of making it dinner he took it up to the farm and let it loose. Now the problem with this is now it can't attack the other chickens however it now attacks my mom, her cats, and YES my dad. Now at this point we are all still wondering why it is alive. Well the boys went with my dad to feed cows and the rooster flew up and grabbed a hold of Slade's shirt and started pecking him. Well slade was upset by this which brings me to the photo of the boys walking with the dog and their BB guns (NO they were not loaded). They decided with Grandma's approval that they were going to kill the rooster so it could not attack them anymore! The dog was there for their protection. Well after two days of chasing that rooster (with the help of the dog) it is still alive HOWEVER it runs for the back of the barn if it see's the boys and their BB gun's. The rooster got a little taste of how it feels to be picked on LOL.
Ty spent some time in the garden picking peas and trying to feed them to the dog. Which she turned her nose up at. After a long weekend of rooster attacks, fires and roasted marshmallo's, visiting, eating, relaxing and more visiting it was sad to have to leave. But we are home and ready for school tomorrow!


  1. You take such awesome pictures. Thanks for the pie filling recipe. I am due on October 16th and I am pretty much just tired and hot. Only six more week to go!!

  2. Yours gets attacked by a rooster and my catches one and brings it home. I like your way better, it's less, intrusive, shall we say, on my home . . .
