Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

April 15 is my sweet Hunters birthday. So here are a few little things about my Hunter.
Two days before Hunter was born I was taking laundry to the basement and fell down the stairs and broke my foot. This put me into labor 2 1/2 weeks early. I had to climb up 2 flights of stairs to get to the kitchen to wait for Steven to come home. Then I sat there and cried because I had to pee but hurt to bad to climb up another flight of stairs lol. It snowed 5 inches the day we came home from the hospital. One week after Hunter was born I was carrying him to the tv room to sit and rest and missed the last 3 stairs and yet again fell down the stairs and broke the OTHER foot, received a carpet burn the entire length of my arm from sliding so I wouldn't land on Hunter. Yes I was embarrassed!
Hunter has always be such a quiet loving boy. He also has a very dry sense of humor which he thinks is HILARIOUS! Hunter is very competitive. I love to curl up with Hunter and read books he is soooo snugly. Hunter LOVES "Star wars" he has them memorized. Hunter enjoys great movies like me. He is an awesome dirt bike rider and loves nothing more than being on his bike in the desert riding. Hunter loves his Grandpa so much and looks up to him in every way. Hunter would live in the mountains if he could (he gets that from me lol). I have to admit I cant wait to spend his birthday going to dinner and a movie with him!

1 comment:

  1. I talked to my sister and she is in!! so you can notact her or let me know what you want to do... you have such cute kids
