Monday, August 30, 2010

WInd and crashing tree's!

Well as you can see our yard was amongst many others that felt the wrath of the storm saturday night! Steven and I were laying in bed late saturday night when we heard a LOUD crash. When we went to the window it was dark so it was hard to see what happened over in that corner of the yard. So we went back to bed. Well the next morning Slade and Ty got up and decided to go outside. In they came running  as fast as their little legs could carry them up the stairs and into our room they burst!  Words were flying out of there mouth's in the excitement we finally got out of them that the neighbors tree had fallen and the gods were mad!  Now before I continue I have to add to the story the my boys LOVE the movie Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. So at this point they started telling us that Zeus, Poseidon , and Hades are mad at each other and made the tree crash. I started laughing and said they were not real. To which they told me "MOM can't you PRETEND"! They then spent the rest of the day out on that tree making huts and climbing! They will be so sad when the tree removers come and cut it up and haul it away.

1 comment:

  1. haaaahaaaaaaa lololol haaaaa haaaaa *gasp , gasp* haaahaaaaaa
