Monday, October 4, 2010

My New find!

I LOVE to cook! Those who know me know I love Cooking, Bottling, and Baking. So I am always looking at recipe blogs. I have found a few I like some of the recipes on but never one I was excited enough over to mention on my blog till now! I stumbled onto this one and found tons of recipes I want to try and one or two I have and are DELISH!  A Piece of Cake is defiantly worth checking out! Oh and if you try a really great recipe from their let me know so I can try it (if I haven't already lol)!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for the info! I'm always on the hunt for Amazing cookie recipes! The flowers on my wreath are just made by cutting 8- 3" circles and 8- 2" circles. Fold the circles in half twice (so it looks like a triangle) Hot glue the point to a 1 1/2 round circle of felt starting with the BIGGER 3" circles and layering the 2" circles on top. add a button or whatever to the center and TADA! These look fabulous on headbands for GIRLIES as well!! LATER! SEE you at Grandma's B-DAY? KORI
