Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lilacs and Boys

I love Lilacs They are my favorite flower. I am however picky about my lilacs. I use to enjoy all lilacs till we bought this home and to my happy surprise that spring the biggest lilacs I have ever seen grew up next to my home. Now I kid you not, one flower on these is as big as a dime to a penny. What an odd thing to be picky about but I just love these flowers. I am going to get my dad to take a few starts and see if he can get them to grow at his home. As I walked into the house last night I could smell their wonderful fragrance and just could not resist cutting some this morning and putting them on my kitchen table.                                                                              So last night I decided something their are three stages in a girls life as far as boys are concerned.
The first stage begins in kindergarten you start chasing boys! Now in elementary you chase boys to see if you can catch them or as you get into 4th and 5th grade's to give them back the cooties they just gave you!
The second begins in High school this is the stage you chase boys because you want to date them. You want so badly to catch the cute one and date him and maybe just maybe get a kiss or two from him! Now this stage continues until you are married and you have finally caught that perfect boy and you can kiss him all you want! 
The Third stage starts when you have a baby boy of your own. It seems like this stage might just be the most work! First you chase them away from things that will hurt them such as Electrical plugs, stairs, roads the cleaning cupboard so on and so forth. Next it moves into chasing them out of things like your makeup, the dinner you just made, Muffins for Enrichment night, and your scrapbooking markers. Now at this point you win some and you lose some I lost last night and didn't make it in time. As I sit here typing this though I think you never stop chasing boys. I just think of my mother and all the chasing she does after my boys. 
So I think the moral of this story is I will continue to chase boys. Now I just chase little one's trying to get a kiss!


  1. I dont know but thats face has trouble writen ALL over it or maby its the matress or both! They are beautiful drawings. to bad you cant hag them up:) HAA HAAA I love my nephiews! they are awsome!

  2. to bad I didnt experience to chase the boys,the boys are usually chasing me nyahhahaha!!
