Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You Know I chose the name of my blog with a reason. I felt the name had meaning "The Blackburn's Wild Life". It has a few meanings actually one of which is we really do have a wild life. The things that happen to us sometimes are crazy "see previous blog of example"lol. We are constantly going and doing "thats just us". Now don't get me wrong I LOVE a good weekend at home with nothing to do but lay around and be lazy but we just enjoy to much stuff to sit around.
Everyone says if I won the lottery I would buy this or that not me! I would spend every penny until the day I died or the money ran out doing thing with my family. We would go places and see things.  Their is nothing I like more than an outing with my family. Sandstorms wont stop us. Others would have packed up and went home " NOT us we kept on riding". We had a blast just riding around with our kids. There was a moment when I was on my 4-wheeler and I turned and looked back and right behind me was 3 dirt bikes and a four wheeler following right along. It made me smile! Now as for the second reason I named my blog The Blackburn's wild life is well anyone who has been around my boy's just know's well let's just say it THEY ARE WILD! You know something though I wouldn't change a thing!
Farewell for today from my wild home!


  1. Mmm, powdered donuts!!! Love your cute blog, Trista :)

  2. Of all the craziness. It adds well to your enrichment night stories to see all the pictures to back them up. I can't even tell you how long it's been since I've had a powdered doughnut. That's one of those things my mom only bought when we went camping. Time to go camping . . .
