Will my kids need therapy when they figure out all the warnings I give them are lies! For example:
1- If you ride on the escalator your shoe lace will get caught in it and it will suck your leg in! Then how will you get out?
2- If you don't wash your hands you will get the Haunta virus and end up in the hospital! Then what?
3- If you aren't good in school they will kick you out and never let you back! Then you will have to get a job! Do you want that!!!
4- If you go past the boundary riding your bike you will get a flat tire and we will have to throw your bike away!
Things my kids refuse to believe that ARE TRUE!
1- Grandma was not always nice!!!!!! She was mean sometimes when I was a kid! (I love ya mom) lol
2- I am NOT made of money!
3- You can not only eat cereal all the time!
4- If you wreck your motorcycle I will not fix it! (ok so that is only partially true cause steven would) lol
Jobs Steven never applied for but got anyway!
1- Laundress. He just does it all the time I love it!!!!
2- 3rd councilor in the Primary Presidency!
3- Photography assistant! He really does rock this position! I may give him a raise some day!
Lies I tell myself and hope that someday might be true!
1- Maybe if I am really quiet the kids wont find me for a little while longer! (Never happens)
2- If I hold really still maybe they will think I am still asleep.
3- If I ignore their whining long enough they will go away!
4- If I hide this candy, gum, ice cream ect... Maybe it will be there next time I go to get it!
5- Maybe when I get home they have cleaned the house! :) nope :(
However "We are a Happy Family"!
Wrestling 2015
9 years ago
I love these lists, they have made me think about all the things I say and wonder about. Great post, thanks for sharing!