So tonight is dedicated to my friends!
Thanks to all my friends out there. Thanks for texting me just to chit chat for a minute.
Thanks for borrowing me heating pads when my back goes out.
Thanks for listening to me complain about whatever it is I am complaining about.
Thanks for laughing with me.
Thanks for laughing really really hard with me!
Thanks for sharing the latest great deal you found.
Thanks for sluffing relief society with me.
Thanks for watching my kids.
Thanks for talking on the phone with me for hours.
Thanks for remembering my favorite thing's.
Thanks for agreeing with my insane Idea's .
Thanks for being my therapist.
Thanks for being my friend!
I have many people I consider my friend Some of you I am closer with than other. However I still appreciate you! Some of you are related to me but you are still my friend!
So thanks to all!
ps. love this painting and thought it was appropriate!