Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here is another one of our photo's!
So tonight's post I was not sure what it was going to be about. So as I sit here with a few idea's running through my head I don't want to do yet I look at my Hubby and have decided this post will be about him!
Some of the reason's I love my Husband! (yes only some, a girl has to keep some things to herself)
1- Steven makes me laugh! Some of the stuff he says cracks me up.
2- He is a listener and as most of you know I am a talker! lol He know just what he needs to say and I need to hear though.
3- He is honest! I love the fact that with steven we can be totally honest. If he doesn't like what I am wearing or how my hair is he tells me which I appreciate! I hate it when you look terrible and everyone tells you "oh you look great". I always know when he say's I look good he means it.
4- He is so dang HOT! Come on we can all see it. lol
5- I could spend every waking minute with him and NEVER get tired of it! I love to be with Steven. He is more than a best friend and more than just a husband.
6- I love the fact we never fight! Yes I said Never fight. Now we have had fights in our marriage but I don't remember the last one. We disagree but those are always joking around.
7-I love that we can sit in the same room me reading and him doing paper work and say nothing to each other and just enjoy sitting by each other.
8- I love that after a long day when I am tired and wore out all I have to see is steven walk through the door and everything is better because he is there.
9- I love the fact that I still get excited when Steven calls or I know he almost home. I can't wait to see him!
10- It makes me Eternally grateful that I have a Temple marriage to Steven! What a blessing Steven is to me and I am truly thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Love the family photo. The orange and brown are way cute, especially with the hay bale background. You and Steven are so cute together.
