Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The other day I stood in my kitchen looking at my new fridge and the MILLIONS of finger prints all over it. Well when you read in the book that came with it, it has a ton of things you can't use to clean it and only one that you can (mild soap and water). SO I try the soap and water it did not work. Well I decide to come to the trusty internet and see what people on here suggest. I sit down and type into google "how to remove finger prints from a stainless steel fridge". Well this directs me to a web site that you ask a question and anyone can answer it. Come to find out someone had already asked this same question and there were tons of answers yipppee so I begin to read. Now most of them had the same answer to go to walmart and buy the wipes they make just for this (I did not know they made them). HOWEVER I read just one more down and this is what I come across! (note: I took this from the web site AS IS I have not changed it in any way)

I know your kids put their hands all over the thing. I have the same problem. Best is to prevent the prints instead of cleaning all the time. I took a 12 volt car battery and put it in the lower cabinet next to the fridge and ran a wire behind it and connecting it to the copper water intake pipe. After a few bad shocks my kids will not get near the thing. I keep some rubber gloves on top for when I need a beer or something to eat. Good luck.

OK OK WHAT THE HELL! Who is this person and WHAT is wrong with them! I am not totally sure what amazes me more the fact that he is giving his children " A few bad shocks" or the fact that he keeps rubber gloves on top of the fridge so he can still get TO HIS BEER!
I seriously laughed out loud when I read this. REALLY really oh my gosh you just know this has got to be some kind of hillbilly because there is no way someone in their right mind would do this! Oh and the fact that he keeps rubber gloves on top of his fridge to get his beer does not help his case!


  1. you might think after reading this that the person was just joking until you read the part about the rubber gloves then you know it has to be true because who woul add that tid bit if they were making it up. all I have to say id you might be a red neck if..... lol

  2. LOL! This is hillarious and Sad and disturbing in so many ways. And for the record I'm glad this man was not my father.
    As for suggestions on how to clean fingerprints off your stainless steele appliances. I have good one for you. I use to clean houses in college and a couple of the houses had stainless steel kitch appliances. First you wipe the surface with a damp rag. Second apply small amount of lemon furniture OIL, the kind you use for wood furniture, to a micro-fiber towel and it will bring a perfect shine bak to your silver refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, or whatever else it may be. It sounds funny but I garentee it works. Make sure its oil though and not some spray stuff like pledge.
    And while this cleaning method will effectively remove the fingers prints it will not prevent fingerprints from returning. Unlike the "BEER Guys," Method. I'm still laughing! :)
