Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My little Migraine makers!

So today I sit here looking forward to friday night! Me and a good friend of mine Jubilee are going for a girls night out! We are doing dinner and a movie :).  You know I love being a mother BUT and that is a big BUT their are moments when I seriously need to lock myself in my room and take a moment away form my precious little migraine makers! Oh how I love them though. So anyone who is mother especially those with more than 2-3 kids can sympathize with why I need a girls night out just to sit back and laugh really hard! So to all you ladies who need a night away from your little migraine makers take a moment to lock yourself in your room open your dresser drawer and pull out that chocolate your hiding from your kids ( you know you have some cause we all do) lay back on your bed and relax for 15 minutes. I promise you will feel better .
Then take a night out as soon as possible! That is orders from Dr. Trista :)


  1. I hope you ladies had a great time! I seriously need to do the secret stash of chocolate. Believe it or not, I've never done that. :) The plates are way cute too.

  2. Hey Trista! It was fun talking to you yesterday. The web sites are and There are lots more but these have been my favorites so far! Have fun looking at them and give it a try! You can get a free photoshop 30 day trial. I think its on adobes website. Good Luck!
