Saturday, September 12, 2009

Today was the last of summer water fun! Today we spent the last weekend watching the kids play in the sprinklers in the backyard till next summer. Steven smoked some ribs. Now let me just say they were heavenly. I am talking last meal good. So full of flavor you just want more even though you are STUFFED! I sat and did what I always do Take photo's. Above is a photo of me and the boys I did. The other is just one I was playing around with and Slade thought it was soooooo funny!


  1. nice pic. mom and I are very impressed.cant wait for you to do my family pics.

  2. I can't wait for you to do Alisha's family pics either. You are very good! Sorry I have been a little out of the loop. It was fun to play catch up. I do think homework was a punishment for those of us who dared have kids.

  3. Hey Trista how do I get a hold of your sister? Can you e-mail me her number?
