Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fun weekend!

Yesterday we went to my nieces baptism. It was really nice and fun to be around family. I have some seriously cute nieces. It is always fun to visit with family. I did some photo's of my nieces for my sis-in-laws and will post them when I get them edited. Well I gave Steven a choice a week or so ago. He either had to pick Valentines day or our Anniversary which is on the 10th and plan the whole evening. Well he picked Anniversary sooooo that leaves me with Valentines day. So I am looking for some great ideas. I like to stay in that weekend (hate crowds) so I will keep all posted on my findings.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to make everything heart shaped, if I can. that is all I have planned so far. I will let you in on anything else.
