I was looking at fabric designer web sites ( I realize this is weird just bear with me) when I stumbled on fabric.com I am in love! They have free shipping on orders 35 and up. They also have yardage estimators for progects like quilts, comforters, curtains ect. My favorite part they sell the fabric I like by the designers Amy butler, Heather Bailey and Sandi Henderson ( I love Sandi's fabric). The have patterns for great price's. So this is my new FAVORITE web site. Now I have to say I have not ordered from them yet. I just found them today. However I will be soon I hope. Ok now that I have shared my excitement I can get back to cleaning! :)
Wrestling 2015
9 years ago
dont you hate it when the only real excitment you feel is over fabric. that sucks! jk that is a great web site.