Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today I dove headfirst into a bushel of peaches (not literally). I spent the whole afternoon making and freezing Peach Pie filling. Making and bottling fruit and vegetables always means fall to me. I have been doing this as long as I can remember. My first memories of bottling are of standing at the sink pitting apricots for my mom. We would pretend it was a head and we would squish the brain out (what can I say I was a kid and was bored)! I used to love to bottle with my mom. It always was my favorite time of year FALL! I still love it. There is just something about the changing leave's and the crisp air. The deer hunt when all the men would go on the mountain and we would go up at night and dutch oven dinner with them. The taste of apples fresh off the orchard tree (we lived in the middle of a LARGE orchard). Fresh peaches with cream and sugar for breakfast. Picking veggies out of the garden and having squash for dinner. What wonderful memories. So I will be freezing green beans tomorrow and eagerly awaiting the changing of the leaves.


  1. stewed tomatos always remind me of fall. We have some great memories of back then hu! I miss going to the hunting camps and making dinner and desert.

  2. You are ambitious!! I was wondering if I could get your peach pie filling recipe. Last year we made peach jam, but I would love to bottle some peaches for a pie.
