Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well today is not as crazy as yesterday. So I have some time to sit down and write a few things today. I have on week from today and my mother in law comes up to stay with the kids.  I feel like I really need to get away more and more each day. Especially  since I do day care. It gets so crazy around here some days and today was one of them. Man I had Ty crying from 7am till 8am nonstop cause he wanted me to hold him. The baby I watch was crying cause she wanted to be held. I was trying to get the kids breakfast and make their lunches for the day. Slade was making so much noise and so loud! The other girl I watch in the mornings had hit hunter so they were fighting about that. Rachel was stressing out about what to wear and of all things what bag she would use in 2 WEEKS for swimming lessons. I am getting a headache just remembering this!!! 
So to say I need a break is kinda an understatement ! BUT now the boys are playing with play-dough at the table quietly, the baby is asleep and the other little boy I sit is playing with cars quietly.   I am taking a deep breather and gathering my strength to clean and face an afternoon with 7 kids :)-        PS. Like I said today is not as crazy as yesterday!


  1. wow if that happen to me Im gonna go to one of my bedroom lock the door and stay there for a long time so I can get away with

  2. Ummmmm. You are a better person than I am. I could not do day care if my life depended on it. Saying that you are in for a break is an understatement. I hope that your week goes quickly and you are on your way to vegas in no time!!!!
